For those of you liberal loving progressives who bought into the Al Gore social security “lockbox,” you will love the new version brought to you by Obamacare. In some mysterious place within the hallowed halls of the Treasury Department, (Think basement of the Smithsonian as portrayed in “Raiders of the Lost Ark”) the health care fines and taxes collected by the 16,500 newly hired IRS agents will pack away the dough until sometime in 2018 when it will flow to the “uninsured.” If you buy into that, I’ve got some farmland in Northern Arizona that you will just love!
Seriously, has the government ever done anything other than tax and spend? As one staffer in the Roosevelt administration put it: “tax and spend, tax and spend, the people are just too damn dumb to understand.” Really? Dumb? Evidently the DemocRATS have bought into this. They really believe that you are too dumb to follow what they are doing and hold them accountable. How about it? Are you? I don’t think so. I think you have had enough and are ready to throw the bums out. The only lockbox that I want to see is a lockbox on the congressional democratic offices that keeps them from destroying what is left of our Republic.