Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Revolution 2.0

The more things change, the more they remain... insane.

Michael Fry and T. Lewis, Over the Hedge, 05-09-04

WE are 233 years into the world’s oldest experiment with freedom based on individual rights—not the rights of kings, or generals, or gods. And yet those who have benefited the most from this Republic are the very ones who cry loudly for rights not for individuals but for groups. Our system of government emerged from the belief that mankind are created in the image of God, the one God embraced by our ancestors who unashamedly declared that each one of us is endowed, that’s right, “endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” Through a lengthy series of legislative slight of hands, the individual has been superseded by special interest groups. But, I wonder, who assigns you to a group? Who or what bureaucracy is the labeler-in-chief that lets each of us know that we have no meaning or purpose in life unless we can be seen as a member of a protected class?

History is a cruel teacher as it points out what results from certain choices. Centuries of tyranny cannot hide from the historian’s eye. So it is no wonder that it is critical to decouple the current generation from that record if one wants to embrace a new age of tyranny. Fools who have made of themselves gods believe that with their superior intellect and communication techniques they can wash away the historical records with a little rewrite here and little deletion there. In that fantasy world, tyrants can be redressed in the new clothes of progressivism. Even Hitler can be redrawn as a conservative Christian in their eyes in order to avoid seeing the similar roots of Nazism and the progressive “empathythey profess.

So in case you missed it, here is a little “change” history. If you do not realize that July 4th is a tribute to the American Revolution that has given you your current world, you may not know what caused regular folks to rise up and challenge a government knowing full well they could lose their lives, fortunes and sacred honors. So what caused that first Tea Party? Much of what we are experiencing today.

Current circumstances in our country and its leadership are reminiscent of themes, emotions, and challenges leading to the American Revolution. Unless you're a history buff, you may not know that the original revolution was eerily similar to what we're going through at this moment, down to the roots. According Gordon S. Wood, a professor at Brown University, it was the economy, stupid. Adding intrigue is the fact that it wasn't just the economy, but SPECIFICALLY A HOUSING BUBBLE that made the American Revolution unfold the way that it did.

In an article that appeared in the New York Times:

For the colonists, as for us, first came the boom. During the height of the French and Indian War, which lasted from 1754 until 1763, money flooded into the colonies, especially New York, where the British Army was headquartered. At the same time, the New York Legislature issued large numbers of bills of credit.

All that cash sloshing around resulted in lavish displays of
wealth— notably by British officers, who’s opulent living, was emulated by the locals, especially in New York.

Housing prices soared during the war. But when credit tightened afterward — thanks in no small part to a prohibition on the issuance of paper money by the colonies under the Currency Act of 1764 — real estate owners who could not pay their debts lost their land.

In that era, the citizens demanded accountability from their leaders. Instead of having their grievances addressed, they were taxed more on items that they depended upon for daily life and commerce. The tax that broke the apathy of the colonists was the tea tax, thus the Boston Tea Party. (No Janeane, it wasn’t about discrimination!) What they objected to the most, was the disregard for the individual. No matter their status, they were all placed in the group called colonists. And as such were subjects of the Crown. This led to the organizing document of this country, the Declaration of Independence. In the body of that document, the plaintive established a legal case for separation. “The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States.”

The eerie similarities to today have many of the same ingredients, but the most egregious is the failure to uphold individual freedom. As the dominoes for the “remaking of America” continue to be put in place by the ideologue-in-chief along with the creation of a non-elected group of czars who hold allegiance only to him, it is important to dust off our founding documents, re-read them along with Common Sense and The Federalist Papers, make your signs, attend a local Tea Party and fax without ceasing.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The Last Man Standing

What do American Idol, Survivor, and the Duel in the Sun have in common? The winner is always the last man standing. Logic would dictate as well as personal experience that this model would have a correlation in all successful endeavors. But then there is government. All rules of logic seem to disappear when one enters this realm(Al Franken is a US Senator? In what sick, twisted world?). It is almost as if we have entered an alternate universe where right is wrong, black is white, and debt is stimulus.

No economic model throughout history (yes, that even includes the imperial presidency of one FDR) has successfully moved an economy forward by strapping trillions of dollars of debt on the backs of its citizens. In fact, the great unwashed will tolerate just about anything until the products and services they need become too costly. Remember last summer? $4 gas--no way bro--Drill here, drill now and drill, baby, drill rose above the din. Even Pelosi and friends had to back down until the noise died down.

History does record the bloody impact of revolutions instigated by debt as a driver to force currency to diminish in value. The French Revolution, the Bolshevik Revolution, and the American Revolution were not so much a dissatisfaction with monarchy as it was starvation and onerous tax burdens. The Wiemar Republic's inflationary practices paved the way for "change that you can believe in" in the form of the Nazi Party's serious stimulus program. Shovel ready projects such as roads, stadiums, and monuments provided little economic recovery for most workers but did feed the need until the Nazi's launched what would become the solution to the global Great Depression, WWII.

So today everyone knows that with the US fractional monetary policy you can only tease out the value of a sawbuck so far. Right now the Federal Reserve is running its printing presses non stop and the amount of gold to paper is in the one one hundredths. Rumors are flying through the international money markets about the concerns of our major lenders as to the soundness of our currency and the serious consideration of dethroning the dollar as the standard bearer for the world marketplace. And yet, with this serious threat to our ability to function economically, the leaders inside the Executive Branch insist on recommending more spending and more printing. You would think that they want this to happen.

Step it down to Arizona. Same thing: an out of control budget and an unwillingness to make serious cuts, sacrificial cuts, belt-tightening cuts on the part of state legislators. If they could, many would print funny money so they could keep spending.

My question for those who claim to be our representatives: Who among you is willing to stand in the gap for the average guy and demand a balanced budget regardless of the political consequences? Is there anyone who is willing to risk it all to pick up the gauntlet of Jefferson, Washington, and Franklin? Who will be that last man standing?

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Genocide American Style

Leave it to the compassionate, enlightened leadership of the liberal pretender to the office of the President of the United States who with a stroke of a pen, condemned millions of unborn persons throughout the world to a painful death. In Laura Hollis’s January 27th article, “Obama’s First Export: Abortion,” she points out the inherent racism of the policy: “African-Americans make up less than 15% of the U.S. population, but over 35% of abortions are performed on African American women.” According to the Center for Disease Control—hardly a pro-life organization—1400 black babies are aborted each day in America. That means over 438,000 African-Americans are sucked out of their mothers’ wombs and “disposed of” each year. Using that as a baseline, in the 36 years that Roe vs. Wade has been the law of the land 15,768,000 have been clinically disposed of. This is more than double the horrific holocaust that sent over 6 million Jews to their death at the hands of the Nazis! And yet, the intelligentsia applauds the notion of the expansion of this policy of death as “family planning” or “reproductive choice” to world’s vulnerable poor.

What is even more ironic is that the first black to hold this office is exporting death to countries to which he can trace his own heritage, sub-Saharan Africa and Indonesia. One wonders if this action reveals brokenness in the psyche of this great pretender. Does this deliberate call for planetary genocide of the most vulnerable bespeak an inner conflict with his tribal roots? If he can only kill enough of these traces of his past, will he finally find resolve between his white and black ancestry? One only wishes he was resolving his identity crisis on the psychiatrist’s couch and not with the free and deliberate misuse of the power of the presidency.