Leave it to the compassionate, enlightened leadership of the liberal pretender to the office of the President of the United States who with a stroke of a pen, condemned millions of unborn persons throughout the world to a painful death. In Laura Hollis’s January 27th article, “Obama’s First Export: Abortion,” she points out the inherent racism of the policy: “African-Americans make up less than 15% of the U.S. population, but over 35% of abortions are performed on African American women.” According to the Center for Disease Control—hardly a pro-life organization—1400 black babies are aborted each day in America. That means over 438,000 African-Americans are sucked out of their mothers’ wombs and “disposed of” each year. Using that as a baseline, in the 36 years that Roe vs. Wade has been the law of the land 15,768,000 have been clinically disposed of. This is more than double the horrific holocaust that sent over 6 million Jews to their death at the hands of the Nazis! And yet, the intelligentsia applauds the notion of the expansion of this policy of death as “family planning” or “reproductive choice” to world’s vulnerable poor.
What is even more ironic is that the first black to hold this office is exporting death to countries to which he can trace his own heritage, sub-Saharan Africa and Indonesia. One wonders if this action reveals brokenness in the psyche of this great pretender. Does this deliberate call for planetary genocide of the most vulnerable bespeak an inner conflict with his tribal roots? If he can only kill enough of these traces of his past, will he finally find resolve between his white and black ancestry? One only wishes he was resolving his identity crisis on the psychiatrist’s couch and not with the free and deliberate misuse of the power of the presidency.
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