Tuesday, July 20, 2010

RINOs, DIDs and other Endangered Species

If you have any doubts about the fact that we have a toothless Republican Party, just take a gander at the results of the Senate Judiciary Committee vote on Kagan. There is the spineless Lindsay Grahmnesty refusing to do his constitutional due diligence and filter out the unfit from a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court. Harriet Miers had more qualifications! But the go along to get along Senator from South Carolina betrays all conservatives in this country with his vote. Again I want to ask the good people of South Carolina to come to the aid of your country by getting rid of this man who will not support or represent the people of this land. He represents the worst aspects of the ruling class as he no longer cares about the people. He is a member of the club. As a Senator he has all the benefits and perks he will ever need. He doesn't ever need to look for a job, worry about paying a bill, or for that matter partake of Obamacare as he is exempt. Will the people wake up and send good representatives, citizen candidates to Washington before it is too late? Or will this grand experiment in representative government fail for lack of vigilance?

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