Just learned yesterday that Arizona is the second poorest state in the Union. God Bless Mississippi! What does this say about the work environment here? It says it doesn't exist. With true unemployment in Arizona somewhere between 17 and 25% it should be the only issue that matters. Unless we get our focus on making substantive changes to the way business is done in this state, not one of the other issues will make it to the table---all rely on financing.
History is instructive if paid attention to. All of the previous bubbles and economic downturns in our history are followed by a war. Why? A roadside distraction that keeps the folks from seeing the men behind the curtain pulling the handle on the printing presses and dishing out monopoly money to their cronies.
States since Jackson can't print their own currency, but they can control their own destiny by taking the bold step to cut spending and reduce taxes so there is more capitol available for the markets. Give business a free ride into town and they won't leave. They will provide the setting for an remarkable renaissance.
Is anyone listening?
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