A week from today will mark the beginning of the fall election season. Labor Day has been the traditional starting block for the fall campaigns and yet it appears as if we are in a never-ending story of running for office. One sign comes down and another goes up. One white shirt, red tie, and gray suit replaces another. No wonder the voters are apathetic. The candidates might as well be in a Charlie Brown cartoon where the adults utterances are unintelligible to the kids. In this case, it is to the voters.
I have one idea that may make this change. How about trying some leadership for a change? You know, good ol' fashioned leadership. I was watching one of Ronald Reagan's speeches on YouTube to remind myself what leadership looked like. He was funny, intelligent, but never demeaning. He told the truth. He stated clearly what was going on and most importantly he told people what he would do to correct the mess.
I watched Beck and Palin this weekend with the same stuff: leadership. You can't bottle and sell it. You have to have it in yourself. You have to be willing to put it all on the line and not care who gets the credit.
But I am afraid that the winds of September won't bring any leadership our way, just a series of attack ads hoping that we will choose one as the lessor of two evils.
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