Friday, August 27, 2010

When Johnny Comes Marching Home

It used to be that the Democratic Party boasted that they were the party of the little folk, the dispossessed, the know the list. They would croon on and on about how the evil rich folks were making a fortune off their backs and how the holier than thou Dems would make sure that the people would get what they were entitled to once the rich were soaked. So they got in power. But guess what? Instead of taking care of the folks, they bailed out the fat cats. rewrote regulations to favor the rich and powerful and exempted themselves from having to partake in Obamacare, and started ripping off the little guys calling them greedy and selfish by increasing all kinds of taxes and fees ("Tax and spend, tax and spend, the people are too damn dumb to understand." Col. House to FDR)

Now it is election season. Their fearless leader is AWOL on countless vacations and golf games. If he shows up to campaign, it is the kiss of death for that candidate. To make matters worse, the Republicans are telling the truth to Democrat voters. They are unabashedly converting them to vote Republican. All you have to do is look at the unemployment rate, the decrease in the value of savings, and no end it site to make a compelling case for switching.

One of the most devastating trends for the Dems is that intelligent Black conservatives have found their voice and are encouraging others to leave the Democrat Plantation. In almost a fever pitch of fear the Dems are calling up the usual suspects to protest the Glenn Beck event this weekend in DC. With promises to disrupt the event and block people from attending, the Dems are revealing their thuggery to everyone.

I say to quote W "Bring it on." And I will cheer as Johnny comes marching home to the party of Freedom.

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