Friday, October 31, 2008

A red tide is coming

In October of 1960, at the height of the Cold War, Nikita Khrushchev, then Premier of the Soviet Union visited the UN. During a heated moment during a debate with the Philippine representative, he removed his shoe and started banging it on the table. He accused the diplomat of being “a jerk, a stooge and a lackey of imperialism.” This of course caught media attention. Khrushchev became the brunt of many jokes and comedic recreations. But what wasn’t so funny was what happened later on the same visit. Khrushchev said in reference to capitalism, "Мы вас похороним!" (My vas pokhoronim!), translated to "We will bury you". This phrase, ambiguous both in the English language and in the Russian language, was interpreted in several ways. Later, he would refer back to the comment and state, "I once got in trouble for saying, 'We will bury you'. Of course, we will not bury you with a shovel. Your own working class will bury you."

With clarity that is lacking today, a majority of Americans decried communism and its weaker sister socialism. However, with the threat of the annihilation of mankind due to the amassing of nuclear bombs and a Defense Department policy of MAD (mutually assured destruction), a small cadre started to rally around a slogan, “Better red than dead.” This group of intellectuals—at the time a fringe group of university professors and members of the Communist Party USA—were seen as an oddity. No one could imagine that this ragtag band of disaffected souls would ever be anything more than a curiosity confined to San Francisco and Greenwich Village. But they continued to write their books and poems, and teach.

Events began to unfold upon the American landscape that provided an opportunity for these leftists to gain momentum and traction. Jack Kennedy was elected president and the Cuban Missile Crisis with the disastrous Bay Pigs incident revealed a potential weakness in American security. Children were practicing “duck and cover” drills in schools across America just in case an atomic bomb was dropped in the heartland. Kids began to be fearful. Parents built bomb shelters in their backyards. And the “better red than dead “crowd kept up the mantra.

Kennedy escalated war in Viet Nam. He was assassinated. LBJ took advantage of a grieving nation and built the “Great Society.” School prayer was banned. Jack’s brother Bobby took up the mantle and ran for president. He was assassinated. Martin Luther King took a stand against racism and he too was killed. By now, the same kids who had been scared in elementary school were in college and they didn’t want to die. A few of them began to distrust their country because of the war. They formed groups like the Students for a Democratic Society, the Weather Underground, Black Panthers, etc. They found unity through music by Dylan, Country Joe and the Fish and the Beatles. And what appeared to be just college kids separating from their parents became a united movement by the “Better red than dead” leadership. These radicals introduced drug use as a way to “turn on, tune in and drop out.” It was the sacrament of their new “League of Spiritual Discovery.” Angst and fear was palpable. The news media led by Walter Cronkite droned on and on about an unjust war and war crimes committed by US soldiers in Vietnam.

College campuses became outposts in this new war to take back America. Columbia, Brown, Berkley and the most poignant of all, Kent State, provided fuel to the image of an American society at war with itself. Kids whose parents had sacrificed to send them to these prestigious schools now turned their back on their country and began to carry Mao’s Little Red Book instead of the Bible.

The culmination was the 1968 Democrat Convention in Chicago. The strengthen radicals pitted youth against “the establishment.” Officers were now denigrated by the term “pig.” The images created by the few rallied many.

Fast forward to 2008. The same group of radicals now in their late 50s and 60s formed groups like “re-create 68” hoping to relive their glory years at this year’s Democrat Convention. Many had predicted riots and violence. But a curious event happened on the way to Denver, a student of the left, a Marxist, a socialist, a community organizer, a drug user, an internationalist was their party’s nominee. And the best thing for the leftists, no one in America knew! Why? The children of the 60s now ran the media, the university faculties, the publishing houses, the Congress, and most importantly, the leadership of the Democrat party. Today the party of JFK looks more like the SDS. What really sealed the deal was “the cult of personality” on display at the acceptance speech of “the One.” So the godless found a god to believe in. And on November 4, 2008 they are poised to fulfill Khrushchev’s prophesy and turn our constitutional republic into a socialist super state.
Yes, next Tuesday a red tide will cover this nation. It is up to you, the American voter, whether it will be a red, white and blue tide or a suffocating socialist red tide that will mark the end of this great experiment in freedom and personal liberty. Choose wisely, the fate of our nation is in your hands.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Requiem for a Chicago Voter

Requiem for a Chicago Voter

I’ve been dead since ‘53
But every election, my party hath need of me.
A Democrat born and raised
Alive I voted party line,
FDR and Truman, just fine
But to vote for Kennedy and LBJ
I had to vote another way
From beyond the grave I cast another Democrat Ballot,
Courtesy of Chicago’s Dem Machine
All the Daleys had my vote,
(Sometimes more than once, I’m told).
And now on another note
Barry was what he was called
When I voted for him in the past,
Now I get to put him in the Oval Office, at last.
ACORN has supplied the way
With a flick of someone else’s pen.
The only question that remains:
I wonder if they will accept a cemetery and plot address
(My permanent residency for quite awhile);
In Ohio, a park bench will do,
So I’m sure my plot will hold up, too!
So death and taxes come to everyone,
But to Democrats
Voting rights never end.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Deafening Silence: The Lynching of Sarah Palin

I am sitting here stunned about the lack of response from the most merciful, lord Obama on this abomination that two gay men have perpetrated against the Republican Party's Vice-Presidential nominee, Sarah Palin. Two American citizens living in California think it is comical to hang an effigy of Governor Palin from the rafters of their home. They think it is funny. They think it is free speech. They think it is their right and after all it is just a Halloween decoration. I saw an interview with them and these twisted individuals were laughing as they stood in front of their "decoration." They have no compulsion about saying they are supporting Obama.
Then I saw in the next news story how the Obama campaign has tried to destroy two Americans for asking the wrong question, Joe the Plumber and the evening news anchor at a Florida TV station. His campaign illegally used government computers to do the dirty work. But this is not news worthy. In the world of the Obamaites, there is only one definition of free speech: you can say anything as long as it favors the most merciful lord. Everyone else watch out, the full weight of the government will be brought to bare on you should you question his philosophy, his associations, his Marxist redistribution fantasies, his ears, his middle name, his race, his wife, his birth certificate, his college records, his medical records, etc. In fact, I wonder just what we are allowed to ask him. He won't hold a press conference, he won't go on with Sean Hannity or speak with anyone who might ask serious questions. Instead he is holding a Hugo Chavez style infomercial bought and paid for by his suspect donors. All the media stooges are solidly behind him and don't make any pretense of being objective. So don't expect anyone from the biased media to be on the air to dissect his words with their spin doctors. None of them will question the use of millions of dollars during a time when people are in need. None will risk asking the most merciful why he didn't redistribute that wealth to his supporters who need health care, mortgage payments, car payments and jobs that he is so found of saying he will provide.

I am still waiting for the messiah to distance himself from the comments made by John Lewis comparing John McCain to Democrat George Wallace; to apologize to Rush Limbaugh for his false ads to the Hispanic community; and especially to denounce the despicable display of his supporters in California. But you know how old saying goes, silence is agreement.
With so much at stake on November 4th, I cannot remain silent. I urge you to wake up from your trance before it is too late. The truth is right before you. You just have to have the courage to see it.
Wait a minute, there is a knock at my door......................................................................

Saturday, October 25, 2008

A New Vocabulary Word for Harry: NO

New York State has a projected budget deficit of $2.5 billion. Arizona has a projected budget deficit of $2 billion. Washington DC has a projected deficit of $10 trillion. What do the three have in common? Democrat leadership and spending addictions. I would like to urge these illustrious leaders to learn a new vocabulary word. It is a simple two letter word ( but I'll let Biden call it a three-letter word) that many of them probably used when they were toddlers. The word is: No.

So Harry just for you, I've written a practice script. You can ask your lovely wife to play the part of Nancy Pelosi. Remember, just like when you were a teacher, you taught kids to role play?

Nancy: Harry, I need you to vote with me on increasing taxes for everyone. After all we want to spread the wealth around.
Harry: No.
Nancy: What was that? I didn't hear you.
Harry: No
Nancy: Didn't I support your reelection campaign with cash? I even traveled to that hick state of yours to show support. Now what was that I heard?
Harry: No
Nancy: Here I thought you could become one of my insiders and get another plumb committee assignment. You know we are having a special party for returning congressmen. Boxer and Feinstein and I are springing for the wine and food, flown in fresh from Napa Valley on the special plane I have for me as Speaker of the House. Now what was that I heard?

Okay Harry, now its up to you to show us what you are really made of. But I think the people of Arizona already know how you pretend to represent the people until you get in office and then you vote with and support everything but your constituents. Too bad your opponent is truthful and has stood up against special interests in his own party. And all you can do is lie about him and continue to spend money from the D666 to slander this just man. Hopefully, the good people both Democrat and Republican will do the country a favor and return you to Tempe on November 4th.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

The Harry Mitchell Two-step: How an aging politician uses children and veterans

Here you go again: using children and veterans as a human shield in your political battleground. When are you going to start accusing your opponent of wanting to harm social security benefits, medicare, and pensions? Oh, that’s right, you already have. You know Harry, JD Hayworth has it right when he gave you the name of Hip Hop Harry. You refuse to speak honestly about your real views on the issues. Instead you play the blame game. But some of us are not as easily deceived. In fact we know how to go to your website and read what you have posted as your positions on the issues. (Am I the only one who noticed that they are exactly the same as ACORN and NARAL?)

So you are shamelessly parading cute kids and our honorable veterans in your ads and flyers, again pretending that your votes are really for them when your record screams otherwise. (Please look at just who the children that Harry supports are in my Oct. post.)

But I’ll let the voters see in your own words just what you think about children’s rights.

“Congressman Mitchell believes that every woman should have access to comprehensive health care. This includes access to family planning and fundamental medical care, such as breast and cervical cancer screening.Congressman Mitchell also believes that every person has a fundamental right to decide when and whether to have children, and supports a woman's right to choose. Mitchell believes that medical decisions, both reproductive and otherwise, should be made between families and their doctors - it is not the role of government to interfere with these decisions.Mitchell believes it is important that we work together to reduce the number of unwanted pregnancies in the United States through supporting medically-accurate sex education for our kids, taking steps to prevent teen pregnancy and providing access to pre-natal care for all women. It is also important that we help countries around the world do the same thing. That's why Congressman Mitchell does not support the "global gag rule," which cuts funding for family planning providers in developing countries.”

The only gag rule I would like to see is when you open your mouth and continue to lie and besmirch David Schweikert.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Harry, Pack Your Bags, Its Over

Sorry Harry. You just got the kiss of death for politicians in this community: an endorsement by the leftist Arizona Republic. Look on the bright side. You can stop pretending that you are a conservative. Now you can proudly join with the liberal elite in the media and the Democrat Party and boast about your tax and spend policies based on income redistribution. You can stand side by side in the media spotlight with Charlie Rangel, Barney Frank, Nancy Pelosi, Rham Emmanuel, and all the pro-abortion, pro-illegal immigration, anti-gun rights, anti-business, anti-family, anti-marriage, anti-energy independence, ACORN supporting Democrat Party.

By taking off your conservative Halloween mask and showing your true colors you might be able to get a job with one of the leftist groups that have supported you. Just think it might be possible for you to follow in BO's footsteps and sit on a board with an unrepentant terrorist. You might even begin teaching at the local university. After all ASU has made Bill Ayers' book on education a required text at its College of Education so I'm sure someone of your political ideology would fit in very nicely.

Good luck on your transition. And if you do get a job at ASU, please let us know so we can warn our kids.

Obama Alinsky: Stealing Elections 101

“As of today, there are 32 days left until Election Day, November 4th. And I wanted to let you know that there are still some spots available at Camp Obama this weekend. The Camp Obama training sessions are a great opportunity to learn all the strategies and techniques that have already made this campaign so successful. They'll empower you to become a Deputy Field Organizer and a leader in this movement for change.With the crucial general election battleground of New Mexico right next door, Barack supporters here in Arizona have an opportunity to make a big impact.”

Kelly Paisley, Arizona State Director, Obama for America

If this doesn’t scare the bejesus out of you, you must be one of the obamtized zombies from Camp Obama. The last time I saw training camps for youth it was in pre-Nazi Germany. But I know, we can’t criticize the messiah, the golden one, the chosen one sent from the gods (Pelosi, Reid, Soros, Moore) to lower the seas, stop global warming, free the slaves (sorry, that was Lincoln, a Republican), give the middle class a tax cut (sorry, that was George Bush, another Republican), win the war in Iraq (sorry, that was America’s finest under the leadership of General Pretraeus with the strong support of John McCain, a Republican); raise the dead to vote…………..(well, I guess we can give that one to the Democrats).

In case you missed it, the Republican Party in New Mexico discovered voting fraud in the spring 2008 primary based on ACORN registrations which included a ballot from Duran-Duran with no address listed. Even in the midst of obvious fraud and felonious acts, the "Rules for Radicals" still dominates the leftists who run the Democrat party. So the Obamalinskyites are trying to continue their tactics of pointing the finger away from their own crimes to paint a picture of racist Republicans trying to deny voting to minorities. Never mind that the FBI is investigating ACORN and not the Republican Party.

But getting back to the opening quote from the ACORN operatives supporting and working with the Arizona Democrat Committee it is clear that the one skill the BO has, "community organizing," has been passed down to the grass roots. He should be proud that his only claim to fame "Motor Voter Registration" and training ACORN on registering voters is being adopted whole hog across the country.

Before you finish sending in your orders for more champagne and caviar, Michelle and BO, you better figure out how to stop the FBI from tossing out your bogus voters. Now, its my turn to raise a glass to the FBI and Justice Department.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Harry Mitchell's Choice

What you are about to read is fictional, but it could have happened. (Isn't that what the Democrat Party is all about?)
Harry Mitchell is ensconced at his desk busily returning phone calls to Pelosi, Rahm, and Rangel. In between he is practicing his talking points from the DailyKos and for his upcoming debate with David Schweikert.
Secretary: Mr. Mitchell, a young woman from your church would like to speak to you.
Harry: Do you know who her parents are? Have they given money to my campaign? Forget it, I need a picture of a kid to put on my next mailer so send her in with the photographer. Will you make up a packet of info for her so I can direct her to the ACORN office? I'm sure they can help her find a way to exercise her right to vote.
Young girl:(a timid girl, probably not more that 14 enters the office) Mr. Mitchell, I saw that you go to my church and I know that you have been a teacher so I was hoping I could get your advice.
Harry: (This could be a goldmine for me. She looks Hispanic. Maybe she's related to a veteran. I could get hundreds of votes through this one contact.) Please do sit down (He points to a chair in front of the desk) Of course, what can I help you with.
Young girl: Well, I don't know how to start but I'm ....pregnant. I know what my mom and my priest would say. My boyfriend and I plan to marry when we finish high school but the big issue is, he's not the father.
Harry: (Boy my contributors at Planned Parenthood and NARAL will love me for this one! This is a slam dunk!) You know you are the one who has the right to choose to carry that child. Right now it sounds like the timing of your pregnancy is not right. You have your education and your future to think of. I know plenty of women who have had the courage to make the choice to end their pregnancy. (Harry gets up and walks around the desk. He puts his hand on the young girl's shoulder. And with the most compassionate expression he can muster, he continues) I'm glad you came to see me today. I'll have my assistant take you to Planned Parenthood. They understand and have the compassion to be with you all the way through the process. In just a short amount of time, you will be back to your life and free to continue your education. No one needs to know about this.
Young girl:(the tears begin to flow) But the priest says its a sin to have an abortion...
Harry: I know, but I'm Catholic too. You said we go to the same church. Listen, priests just can't understand what it's like to be a woman and bear a child. That's why I have always been a strong supporter of women's rights. You have to put your life ahead of this lump of tissue. It probably doesn't even have a soul (struggling to remember what Pelosi said in her interview on this subject) as church scholars have said.
Young girl: Thank you Mr. Mitchell. Would you mind going with me? I really don't want to be alone.
Harry: (Seeing the endless possibles to add to his voter roster and the great photo ops he can hardly conceal his grin, forcing the grandfatherly expression he is so accustomed to back on his face) Of course, you can always count on me to represent you and make sure that this right is safeguarded. It is a top priority for me.
The two get into a car followed by a photo team. They get first class priority service when the people at Planned Parenthood see their favorite candidate arrive at the door. Its all smiles and hugs with people gathering around for the photos with Mitchell. None notice the agonized look on the young girl who is filling out paperwork. Harry assures he she will be in good hands and leaves for his next campaign event.
A few hours later, the young girl emerges from the procedure center, now childless.
Young Man: (bursting through the door) Mary, Mary where are you? I do believe you, I had a dream and an angel assured me that what you told me was true. Baby, we're supposed to get married and your baby is who you said he is, the Son of God.
Mary: (a blood curdling scream emerges that stops everyone) Joseph, it's too late. I had an abortion.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Hey Harry, You're the Incumbent!

Okay Harry, I know it must be getting tough on the campaign trail. I heard you really fired up the group in Prescott at their annual Truman-Clinton Dinner. Or did the media really mean that you lit the stove for their annual "lets falsify voter registration" tribute to ACORN and big dollar out-of-state campaign contributions to continue Democrat smear attacks on Republicans?
While you were gone firing up the base with your masterful political rhetoric, "staying in the kitchen" because they can "take the heat," some of your long-time political allies were taking the heat across the country. You know the group, ACORN? The community organizers you stood with in front of the Arizona Capitol when they launched their squeeze job on the Bank of America, I mean the more affordable housing campaign? I know you hate to let facts get in the way of your attack ads. But did you know Secretary of State Jan Brewer said that ACORN submitted 20,000 faulty voter registrations in Arizona in 2006? Those are the ones that were discovered. Let's see, didn't you beat JD in 2006 by a little over 5,000 votes? Too bad Arizona now has a voter picture id law. With all of the media focus on voter fraud it will be hard to "discover" enough new votes to beat Schweikert in 2008. No wonder you joined with the ACLU to see if you could get this voter mandate overturned.
By the way, just in case you forgot since the House has been out of session for two weeks, you're the one who has the voting record of higher taxes for average working stiffs, benefits for illegals (including paying for their college education ahead of the citizens of this country), punishing small businesses with higher taxes, standing with the Pelosi-Rahm-Rangel crew to fund the corrupt institutions of Fannie and Freddie (including your support to increase funding for ACORN in the most recent bailout bill--thanks to John Shadegg you'll have to pay them out of your campaign coffers instead). Hey you can always follow the lead of BO and say you hired ACORN to put up lights at a campaign event.
I looked and looked and looked and I couldn't find David Schweikert's name among the 435 in Congress. So Harry, be honest, how could he vote against anything? It must be hard to get the facts straight when your campaign is being run by the Washington DC based DDCC. Tell them to wait a few weeks and you will be the ousted representative and Schweikert will be representing the real people of Arizona. Then they can look at his real voting record.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Harry's Real Voice

Alright Harry, I've just had it up to here with your continued attempt to pretend you are something that you are not: independent, bi-partisan, a fiscal conservative. If you didn't have the support of the local media which is definitely in the tank for all Democrats, you might have to spend some real money on defending your liberal record. What are you afraid of ? If what you stand for is what the people of Arizona support why not shout it from all of your brochures, at your debates, in all of your appearances? I think we both know why, Harry. It's because the people of Arizona and especially in the 5th District are patriotic, freedom loving, conservatives who want government out of their lives. They don't want you and your cronies to play Robin Hood and confiscate their hard earned dollars to distribute to your pet causes like ACORN, NARAL,, La Raza, etc. Here's the facts you can't hide from even if the local media guys try to spike the facts.
According the leftist AAUW, you are one of the few to have a 100% "correct" voting record.
You are also listed on the AFL-CIO website as having voted the "right way" 83% of the time.
The leftist Americans for Democratic Action who publish a newsletter "for liberal activists" also lists you as one of their stars having voted for their positions 80% of the time.
How about coming clean and admitting who you really are? Come on Harry, make my day.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Harry Mitchell's Demspeak Dictionary

I could hardly wait to get to the computer to respond to Harry's newest TV ad. Does he really expect us to buy his claim of bipartisanship? Well, I guess if your from the party that finds it okay to say things like "it depends on what the meaning of is, is" then it is okay to lie about your voting record. At least he wasn't under oath. What I have found out is that for Dems "bipartisan" means Republicans cave on Democrat demands.
Here's a few of the items that Harry boldly voted with the Republicans in his "bipartisanship:"
Cyndi Taylor Krier Post Office Building
Sgt. Jason Harkins Post Office Building
John Martz Thiels Southpark Station
Celebrating the birth of Abraham Lincoln
That takes real guts, Harry. I bet you didn't have to hold both a yes and no card in your hand for these votes.
But when there are real issues to be supported, you know, the ones that Arizonans value, you are always on the side of pork and Pelosi.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Mr. Mitchell's Neighborhood

My, my, my, what are to make of the continued trail of red herrings in Harry’s campaign? Don’t you just love it when election time comes around and the insiders make every attempt to convince you that they are concerned about your welfare? My favorite so far is Harry’s flyer where he says he keeps pictures of his constituents in his office to remind him of who he serves. But let’s take a look at those “friends and supporters” that if he was truthful would be placed front and center on his campaign posters.
According to the Federal Elections Commission the following are Harry’s biggest supporters:
Democratic Congressional Campaign
Human Rights Campaign
NARAL Pro-Choice America
National Education Association
Planned Parenthood
Services Employees International Union
PAC to the Future (Paul Pelosi, treasurer)
Moving Phoenix Forward
Women’s Voices Women Vote Action
Rham Emanuel
Barney Frank
Charlie Rangel
Steny Hoyer
John Kerry
Nancy Pelosi
Henry Waxman
A whole stable of DC lobbyists, including Linda Daschle

Don’t see your name on this list? Don’t feel left out. Not many Arizonans are backing his campaign with big bucks. Doesn’t this just make you want to put your sweater on and take a walk through Harry’s Washington DC fat cat neighborhood?
Just one more point, how can a practicing Catholic like Harry take blood money from the pro abortion lobbies? Maybe his answer is just like BOs: the abortionists? "They're just some people who live in my neighborhood."

Monday, October 6, 2008

Harry's Memory Lapse: I voted against it before I voted for it.

Come on, Harry. I know that most people don't have a political memory of more than two weeks. But, thankfully, we have records of what people say in their campaign and what they actually do once elected. Anyone who watched your campaign two years ago thought that you were running to the right of JD Hayworth on the issues of fiscal responsibility and illegal immigration.

Let's look at your back-and-forth on illegal immigration. You would strap on your side arm (Oh wait, I forgot, Democrats don't support the second amendment) would man your megaphone (O wait, I forgot, you don't speak for yourself)... you would have Sam Coopersmith go down to that border, and tell them to stop it. Campaign 2008, now you are talking tough again. Claiming to be a strong advocate of the military (a demographic calculation since as you state there are 65,000 votes, I mean, veterans in your district), you voted to send the National Guard to the border to....? Oh yeah, you said "to keep them on the border." What you forgot to include in your comments is that they were unable to enforce laws, use force or do anything that would actually stop illegal entry into our country. In fact, under your backed policy, the National Guard was forced to take on clerical duties, not enforcement duties. Your solution to border security: "offering legal status to millions of illegal aliens." Did you forget that Arizonans by 80% oppose this? (Better get Sam to spin this comment; it will probably be missing from the web in a matter of minutes.)

How about guarding the public's purse? Well, for cover, Harry "co-sponsored" bills with the Republican minority to extend Bush's 2001 and 2003 tax cuts. This was safe because he knew that this would look good to Arizonans but didn't have a chance in hell to pass a Democratically controlled congress. When you really look at the record, Harry never met a tax increase he didn't like. If you peel back the veneer on the bills Harry supports, you will find a barrel of taxpayer cash he's waiting to use as payback to his supporters. You will notice that Harry never has the courage to say the "T" word. Here's the new label Dems are hoping you'll buy into: tax increases are no longer called taxes, they are called "economic stimulus packages." So now Harry says he votes to increase taxes and spending because the money he robs from you "will be spent in U.S. schools." Said like a true educator that has never relied on anything other than the public trough to provide his paycheck, he really believes that the government is the job generator in the US economy.

Well, Tax and Spend Harry, I hope Arizonans in the 5th district send you back to private life. But wait you'll still be on the public dole. At 68 not only do you collect social security but your pensions from government. You better hope your vote to increase congressional benefits doesn't get vetoed!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Harry's SCHIP didn't come in.....

By now you’ve seen the media doctored photos of good ole’ grandfatherly Harry in his role as chief rescuer of the disadvantaged and distressed. (Notice, they never have him in a speaking role—just a disembodied head with a fake smile.) I was wondering just how long it would take for his campaign to rip off another play from the Democratic Reelection Campaign Playbook in their ads. Lo and behold, here comes the “it’s for the children” ploy. I always find it ironic that Democrats have no qualms about parading angelic children in misleading ads pretending on the one hand to be “for the children” while on the other hand are the very party who are eager to support abortion on demand. After all didn’t the leader of their party, say he wouldn’t want his daughters to be “punished with a baby” if they made a mistake and voted four times against a provision to save the life of an infant who was the survivor of a botched abortion? But why let the facts get in the way of another attempt by the DCRII (Democratic Campaign to Re-elect Incompetent Incumbents) to insist they really care.

Here’s a quote from Mitchell’s campaign site:
“Congressman Mitchell has voted for legislation to expand health insurance coverage for low-income children provided by the State Children's Health Care Program (SCHIP), in the Children's Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act, H.R. 976.”

So let’s parse the definition of just what the Democrats mean by children. According to wording from the bill, these uninsured children include “pregnant women, parents and childless adults.” In addition, the age of dependent children in this bill now has been redefined to include cuddly kids up to the age of 25.

And this isn’t all that was in this debacle. Not only was the definition of “children” adjusted but so was the definition of “poverty.” Under the Mitchell backed bill, the poor included families earning as much as $80,000 per year!

So how do you fund this program according to the DCRII script? Raise taxes, of course! But here is where it gets interesting. No one wants higher taxes, right? So choose a despised group and tax them. Well, who’s left? The rich have been squeezed. So let’s increase the tax on evil tobacco. Funny, the party that has pushed so hard for the elimination of smoking now wants to pay for SCHIP by increasing the number of smokers! To pay for step one toward universal government run healthcare needs to be funded by a 61 cent increase on tobacco tax requiring an additional 22 million new smokers. But what can you expect from a party that needs to register dead people, non-citizens and fictional characters in order to win an election?

Fortunately, W used his veto pen on this disaster. But according to Harry, you would think the legislation passed. Now you know the rest of the story.