Thursday, October 30, 2008

Requiem for a Chicago Voter

Requiem for a Chicago Voter

I’ve been dead since ‘53
But every election, my party hath need of me.
A Democrat born and raised
Alive I voted party line,
FDR and Truman, just fine
But to vote for Kennedy and LBJ
I had to vote another way
From beyond the grave I cast another Democrat Ballot,
Courtesy of Chicago’s Dem Machine
All the Daleys had my vote,
(Sometimes more than once, I’m told).
And now on another note
Barry was what he was called
When I voted for him in the past,
Now I get to put him in the Oval Office, at last.
ACORN has supplied the way
With a flick of someone else’s pen.
The only question that remains:
I wonder if they will accept a cemetery and plot address
(My permanent residency for quite awhile);
In Ohio, a park bench will do,
So I’m sure my plot will hold up, too!
So death and taxes come to everyone,
But to Democrats
Voting rights never end.

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