Come on, Harry. I know that most people don't have a political memory of more than two weeks. But, thankfully, we have records of what people say in their campaign and what they actually do once elected. Anyone who watched your campaign two years ago thought that you were running to the right of JD Hayworth on the issues of fiscal responsibility and illegal immigration.
Let's look at your back-and-forth on illegal immigration. You would strap on your side arm (Oh wait, I forgot, Democrats don't support the second amendment) would man your megaphone (O wait, I forgot, you don't speak for yourself)... you would have Sam Coopersmith go down to that border, and tell them to stop it. Campaign 2008, now you are talking tough again. Claiming to be a strong advocate of the military (a demographic calculation since as you state there are 65,000 votes, I mean, veterans in your district), you voted to send the National Guard to the border to....? Oh yeah, you said "to keep them on the border." What you forgot to include in your comments is that they were unable to enforce laws, use force or do anything that would actually stop illegal entry into our country. In fact, under your backed policy, the National Guard was forced to take on clerical duties, not enforcement duties. Your solution to border security: "offering legal status to millions of illegal aliens." Did you forget that Arizonans by 80% oppose this? (Better get Sam to spin this comment; it will probably be missing from the web in a matter of minutes.)
How about guarding the public's purse? Well, for cover, Harry "co-sponsored" bills with the Republican minority to extend Bush's 2001 and 2003 tax cuts. This was safe because he knew that this would look good to Arizonans but didn't have a chance in hell to pass a Democratically controlled congress. When you really look at the record, Harry never met a tax increase he didn't like. If you peel back the veneer on the bills Harry supports, you will find a barrel of taxpayer cash he's waiting to use as payback to his supporters. You will notice that Harry never has the courage to say the "T" word. Here's the new label Dems are hoping you'll buy into: tax increases are no longer called taxes, they are called "economic stimulus packages." So now Harry says he votes to increase taxes and spending because the money he robs from you "will be spent in U.S. schools." Said like a true educator that has never relied on anything other than the public trough to provide his paycheck, he really believes that the government is the job generator in the US economy.
Well, Tax and Spend Harry, I hope Arizonans in the 5th district send you back to private life. But wait you'll still be on the public dole. At 68 not only do you collect social security but your pensions from government. You better hope your vote to increase congressional benefits doesn't get vetoed!
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