Friday, October 1, 2010

Take the time to Read the Letter

Isn't it interesting that folks will make wild accusations based on a rumor that they heard? They will say it with such conviction that they even talk themselves into believing that it is the Gospel truth. Well, as my favorite president often said, "Here we go again!!" This time it is with Congressional Candidate in Arizona's CD$, Janet Contreras. Someone told someone who told someone else that Janet wrote a letter to Glenn Beck and that someone said that that was the only reason that she was on the ticket. How devastating! Unfortunately for the storytellers, this is only part of the story.

The rest of the story is that Janet Contreras wrote a letter to Congress attempting to reach out to express her disappointment with her Congressional representation, using her first amendment right of free speech. This letter ended up on the Glenn Beck program because of its passion and the way it expressed what so many of us feel. She has been involved in local issues in her community for years, always taking a leadership role. As a business woman, she knows what it takes to create a job. As a mom, she knows what it takes to take care of a family. All of these elements came together and at the right time made it possible for her to enter the race for the Congressional seat. She won her primary. And don't be surprise if you seeing being sworn in as the newest Republican Congresswoman from Arizona on Jan. 20.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

What the House Needs Is Women

Ever since the ascendancy of Sarah Palin to the national spotlight, women around the country have made the decision through her example of getting involved in politics. No longer seen as only essential behind the scenes, women have brought their talents and ideas to the national stage.
Notice how I have said women and have excluded those who profess the DemocRAT philosophy because I do not see them acting from their own passion and purpose. Rather they are mere cover for a darker philosophy of progressivism where no individual thrives--only groups exist. Remember the famous quote: "It takes a village to raise a child"? Fortunate are we that that "spokesperson" has so far only be able to be a co-president. What I am talking about are real flesh and blood women who have been a part of the oft maligned flyover country. They have reared children, attended PTAs, baked for bake sales while holding down jobs--many in corporate settings.
Today we have real people, citizen candidates, who are willing to stand for us in our House. Let me tell you about one of them in Arizona, Janet Contreras. She is a mom, an employee, but most of all a proud American. She got so upset that she wrote to Glenn Beck. And surprise, surprise...he read her letter...on the air. This launched her campaign for the US House of Representatives in Arizona's congressional district 4. She is as real as the Arizona desert, and as tough as the creatures who thrive in this environment. In other words, she is just what we need to shake up Washington DC and return the house to the people. If you have time, talent and treasure, check out her website and lend a hand. You'll like what you see.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

It's Still The Economy Stupid!

Just learned yesterday that Arizona is the second poorest state in the Union. God Bless Mississippi! What does this say about the work environment here? It says it doesn't exist. With true unemployment in Arizona somewhere between 17 and 25% it should be the only issue that matters. Unless we get our focus on making substantive changes to the way business is done in this state, not one of the other issues will make it to the table---all rely on financing.

History is instructive if paid attention to. All of the previous bubbles and economic downturns in our history are followed by a war. Why? A roadside distraction that keeps the folks from seeing the men behind the curtain pulling the handle on the printing presses and dishing out monopoly money to their cronies.

States since Jackson can't print their own currency, but they can control their own destiny by taking the bold step to cut spending and reduce taxes so there is more capitol available for the markets. Give business a free ride into town and they won't leave. They will provide the setting for an remarkable renaissance.

Is anyone listening?

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Song Banned by Feminists

I also recommend you check out Doris Day's version at YouTube:

What Women Want, Really

Here's a secret. Women want to be women. How do I know? Because I am a member of the fairer sex and have been perplexed over the years at the attempts by some to destroy the gender, to defame, debase, and devalue (sounds like currency, doesn't it?) what God created. In the true spirit of George Orwell's 1984, the language of the destroyers sounds so nice: feminism, equality, fairness. But as in Orwell the language merely is a ruse to cover true meaning: feminism=masculinity, equality=slavery, fairness=protected class. The most debased is the misuse of the term "rights". By a little manipulation here and a little tweaking here, rights are decoupled from God-given and are hitched to man made. So now in a "penumbra of meaning" the Supremes discovered a "right" to murder in the US Constitution. Strange when the founding document said something about LIFE, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?
So back to the original premise of this blog: women really want to be women. They want to do the things that come naturally and be valued for them.
One closing thought. If you have a five year old boy and a five year old girl playing in the backyard and you give them each a stick to play with, the boy will turn it into a gun and the girl will devise some form of cooking tool. Don't believe me? Try it. You can't fool Mother Nature.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Monday, August 30, 2010

What Now?

A week from today will mark the beginning of the fall election season. Labor Day has been the traditional starting block for the fall campaigns and yet it appears as if we are in a never-ending story of running for office. One sign comes down and another goes up. One white shirt, red tie, and gray suit replaces another. No wonder the voters are apathetic. The candidates might as well be in a Charlie Brown cartoon where the adults utterances are unintelligible to the kids. In this case, it is to the voters.

I have one idea that may make this change. How about trying some leadership for a change? You know, good ol' fashioned leadership. I was watching one of Ronald Reagan's speeches on YouTube to remind myself what leadership looked like. He was funny, intelligent, but never demeaning. He told the truth. He stated clearly what was going on and most importantly he told people what he would do to correct the mess.

I watched Beck and Palin this weekend with the same stuff: leadership. You can't bottle and sell it. You have to have it in yourself. You have to be willing to put it all on the line and not care who gets the credit.

But I am afraid that the winds of September won't bring any leadership our way, just a series of attack ads hoping that we will choose one as the lessor of two evils.

Friday, August 27, 2010

When Johnny Comes Marching Home

It used to be that the Democratic Party boasted that they were the party of the little folk, the dispossessed, the know the list. They would croon on and on about how the evil rich folks were making a fortune off their backs and how the holier than thou Dems would make sure that the people would get what they were entitled to once the rich were soaked. So they got in power. But guess what? Instead of taking care of the folks, they bailed out the fat cats. rewrote regulations to favor the rich and powerful and exempted themselves from having to partake in Obamacare, and started ripping off the little guys calling them greedy and selfish by increasing all kinds of taxes and fees ("Tax and spend, tax and spend, the people are too damn dumb to understand." Col. House to FDR)

Now it is election season. Their fearless leader is AWOL on countless vacations and golf games. If he shows up to campaign, it is the kiss of death for that candidate. To make matters worse, the Republicans are telling the truth to Democrat voters. They are unabashedly converting them to vote Republican. All you have to do is look at the unemployment rate, the decrease in the value of savings, and no end it site to make a compelling case for switching.

One of the most devastating trends for the Dems is that intelligent Black conservatives have found their voice and are encouraging others to leave the Democrat Plantation. In almost a fever pitch of fear the Dems are calling up the usual suspects to protest the Glenn Beck event this weekend in DC. With promises to disrupt the event and block people from attending, the Dems are revealing their thuggery to everyone.

I say to quote W "Bring it on." And I will cheer as Johnny comes marching home to the party of Freedom.


Like Pictures in a Museum

Have you ever wondered why the more things change the more they stay the same? Why after all of your hard work and pleading on your knees for things to change they don't? I have asked myself those same questions after almost every election where the candidates that I have supported have failed to win. This time I am backing off of the emotional backlash that I usually rely on as I felt the hurricane force of someone laying into me because of my personal and political views and so will not spew more vitriol into the current climate. What I came to realize is that it really is up to me to do something. No wailing and crying and gnashing of teeth will ever move the voters one iota. With only 23% of registered voters in the state taking the time to cast their ballot, it appears that they are too busy watching Lady Gaga on YouTube (over 300,000,000 views) to get off their collective *s to take part in what well could be the last battle for freedom and liberty in this nation.

So for me I will continue to fight the good fight, preserve the principles of the Founders, and look to November as the next battle in the war for Freedom. When David Letterman asked "Who do they want to take the country back from?" I thought of Pilate's famous line "What is Truth?"
Now wanting Freedom from an oppressive federal government, the New American Plantation, where all your needs womb (if you make it out alive) to tomb are taken care of as long as you give your allegiance to the slave daddies in Big Government, is considered a radical stance, un-American, unpatriotic. Letterman is representative of the New Aristocracy where a subhuman can earn over $20 million a year by pushing the company line. "If you're a good boy, Dave, you can have Barry join you on the set and we will see to it that those pesky sexual harassment charges disappear."

So will it be that the very idea of a Republic disappears and the only remnant of it is a series of portraits hung in some dusty museum where few ever go as it is so passe?

As for me, this day, I choose Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. What do you choose?

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

RINOs, DIDs and other Endangered Species

If you have any doubts about the fact that we have a toothless Republican Party, just take a gander at the results of the Senate Judiciary Committee vote on Kagan. There is the spineless Lindsay Grahmnesty refusing to do his constitutional due diligence and filter out the unfit from a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court. Harriet Miers had more qualifications! But the go along to get along Senator from South Carolina betrays all conservatives in this country with his vote. Again I want to ask the good people of South Carolina to come to the aid of your country by getting rid of this man who will not support or represent the people of this land. He represents the worst aspects of the ruling class as he no longer cares about the people. He is a member of the club. As a Senator he has all the benefits and perks he will ever need. He doesn't ever need to look for a job, worry about paying a bill, or for that matter partake of Obamacare as he is exempt. Will the people wake up and send good representatives, citizen candidates to Washington before it is too late? Or will this grand experiment in representative government fail for lack of vigilance?

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Here We Go Again!

Don't you just love it when a guy blows a hole through the fortress that took a year to build from the inside? Goldwater called it treason. I call it progressive politics. John McCain's best friend has just created a pact with the devils in the DemocRAT party. Selling out the average American on tax day by moving ahead with a cap and trade bill....How dare he look the American people in the eye and tell them that raising their energy bills by a $1,000 a year is good for them, that it will restore jobs, that it will be good for their lifestyle? I hope that if he has the nerve to show up at a Tea Party event that those patriots show him the door....if only there was a harbor near by to dump him in.
November is a day of reckoning for those who betray the oaths they took to defend and protect the US Constitution. Too bad Graham isn't up for re-election. Only the arrogant who disdain the people act because they believe they are out of reach of the voters. Is there anyone in South Carolina who will start a recall of this guy? Or in the least send money to support JD is his bid to unseat the other progressive Senator who believes that he has to make continual deals with the devil in order to satisfy some mythical bi-partisan stance. I don't think there has ever been one of these deals that has included any conservative principles. Just wait until the amnesty train leaves the station. I'm sure Graham and McCain will be all over that one as well.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Lockbox 2010

For those of you liberal loving progressives who bought into the Al Gore social security “lockbox,” you will love the new version brought to you by Obamacare. In some mysterious place within the hallowed halls of the Treasury Department, (Think basement of the Smithsonian as portrayed in “Raiders of the Lost Ark”) the health care fines and taxes collected by the 16,500 newly hired IRS agents will pack away the dough until sometime in 2018 when it will flow to the “uninsured.” If you buy into that, I’ve got some farmland in Northern Arizona that you will just love!

Seriously, has the government ever done anything other than tax and spend? As one staffer in the Roosevelt administration put it: “tax and spend, tax and spend, the people are just too damn dumb to understand.” Really? Dumb? Evidently the DemocRATS have bought into this. They really believe that you are too dumb to follow what they are doing and hold them accountable. How about it? Are you? I don’t think so. I think you have had enough and are ready to throw the bums out. The only lockbox that I want to see is a lockbox on the congressional democratic offices that keeps them from destroying what is left of our Republic.